New enrollment requirements are in place for international students.
Enrollment for the Fall 2020 Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is now open through September 14, 2020. Coverage is available for enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and their eligible dependents who do not have insurance.
Administered by United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR), SHIP includes comprehensive medical, dental, vision, prescription and worldwide travel benefits for 2020-2021.
Students and dependents currently enrolled for Spring/Summer 2020 coverage must enroll for Fall coverage, which is valid August 1 through December 31, 2020. Eligible dependents include domestic partners and eligible dependents (children, stepchildren, foster children, and legally adopted children up to 26 years old).
There are two student classifications:
- Mandatory –Students in the mandatory group are required to carry health insurance coverage during their program of study. To determine classification, visit www.studentcenter.uhcsr.com/gatech. Mandatory students must enroll themselves and their eligible dependents twice a policy year (both fall and spring/summer). Spring/Summer 2020 coverage period ends on July 31, 2020. Students must enroll during the Fall 2020 open enrollment period (7/20/20 - 9/14/20). Students who are charged for mandatory student health insurance who have existing health insurance coverage that meets/exceeds insurance requirements can receive a waiver. A new requirement for Fall 2020 calls for international students to enroll in the Mandatory SHIP or waive insurance with an ACA-compliant plan. Waivers using PGH or non-compliant ACA plans are no longer allowed as in previous years.
- Voluntary - Students taking at least four credit hours (including Postdoctoral Scholars, J1 Scholars, and OPT) may also enroll during the Fall 2020 open enrollment period (7/20/20 - 9/14/20). Go to uhcsr.com/GaTech to begin the enrollment process. Students do not need to enroll for Fall 2020 if they have purchased 2020-2021 annual coverage.
After September 14, 2020, enrollment will be unavailable until Spring/Summer 2021 enrollment opens. Coverage does not roll over each semester/year.
For more information and insurance rates, visit http://health.gatech.edu/finance/insurance or contact Jennifer White, jennifer.white@health.gatech.edu.