Parking and Transportation Services relaunches a new and improved website.
Parking & Transportation Services (PTS) recently relaunched an upgraded website, featuring a modern design and more easily accessible transportation information. Over the past several months, PTS has been working on improving and enhancing its transportation services, signage, and information systems to better serve the Georgia Tech campus community.
The refreshed website introduces updated navigation, new ways to explore PTS programs and dedicated audience landing pages. Services found on the upgraded website include purchasing permits and a demand-response, shared-ride transportation service from the Stingerette. The upgraded website helps our campus community learn how to get to campus safely and sustainably with services such as the Commute Concierge program and regional transit passes like MARTA.
The new PTS website includes numerous features that are more user-friendly and facilitate access to the most commonly used services and information that customers seek. These include, but are not limited to:
Locating the Customer Service office at 770 Spring St. (E81 parking deck) connected to the Georgia Tech hotel
Game day parking information
A Rules and Regulations button, making citations easier to avoid
Real-time tracking information from the TransLoc app
Route maps now broken down by route colors to easily find where you want to go
In late spring, a new and improved experience for customers to purchase permits and pay citations is set to take place. Currently known as the Driver’s Seat, PTS has received feedback from customers on some of the difficulties of the current platform and is working to improve the customer experience by breaking down current barriers. Visit pts.gatech.edu to find all the answers to your questions about parking and transportation at Georgia Tech. Parking and Transportation Services is a department within the division of Student Engagement and Well-Being. For more information, please email support@pts.gatech.edu