Open enrollment is now open for student health insurance. Make sure you enroll before September 15, 2019.
Georgia Tech is proud to offer a new student health insurance program (SHIP) for enrolled undergraduate and graduate students, and their eligible dependents who do not already have insurance. This plan includes comprehensive covered benefits (medical, dental, vision, prescription, and worldwide travel) for the 2019-20 policy year administered by United HealthcareStudentResources (UHCSR).
The open enrollment period is Monday, July 22, 2019 – Sunday, September 15, 2019. Eligible dependents, including domestic partners of enrolled students, may participate in the SHIP and must enroll during this period. Eligible dependents include a student’s spouse and eligible children up to 26 years of age (including stepchildren, foster children, and legally adopted children, providing the student is fully enrolled and eligible for coverage).
There are two classifications of students:
- Mandatory - Students who do not already have an existing health insurance policy must enroll in this insurance. To determine if you fall under the mandatory groups, please visit www.studentcenter.uhcsr.com/gatech. Students who are charged for mandatory student health insurance who have existing health insurance coverage that meets/exceeds insurance requirements can receive a waiver. Students can waive/enroll using the same link: www.studentcenter.uhcsr.com/gatech.
- Voluntary - Students taking at least four credit hours (including Postdoctoral Scholars, J1 Scholars, and OPT) may also enroll during the open enrollment period. Go to uhcsr.com/GaTech to begin the enrollment process.
Coverage begins August 1, 2019, for one academic year only, and all eligible students MUST enroll each fall and spring semester for coverage continuation from policy year to policy year. If you miss the open enrollment period, you will not be able to enroll until the next enrollment period in the spring. If you currently hold SHIP insurance from the 2018-19 policy year, your coverage ends on July 31, 2019. For more information about this new program, including current rates, go to uhcsr.com/GaTech.